
Is It Possible to Correct Hyperhidrosis

Just to be clear the term hyperhidrosis should be divided into two parts:

  1. Focal Hyperhidrosis – In Specific Areas
    This type of hyperhidrosis is the type of excessive sweating that is most bothersome to people, especially in their younger years. The condition also affects patients later in their life. Usually, this is specific to the hands and feet. Sometimes the hands, feet, and armpits are affected simultaneously.

    For this particular type of hyperhidrosis, the ETS (hand sweating) operations and ELS (foot sweating) operations could provide an extremely successful and reliable solution. These should be performed only if conservative measures did not help.

    The operations have a high success rate of 98-99% with a very low recurrence rate. Side effects such as compensatory sweating are a constant byproduct of this operation but fortunately, in most of the cases, the compensatory sweating is vastly preferred over the original condition. Overall, it is mild to moderate at the most.

    Facial hyperhidrosis, where excessive sweating is only on the scalp is not recommended for the ETS procedure. To learn more see our facial blushing/sweating page.

  2. Generalized Hyperhidrosis – Total Body Hyperhidrosis
    In contrast to the term focal hyperhidrosis (hands, feet and armpits), generalized hyperhidrosis denotes a condition where a patient sweats excessively from different parts of the body such as the scalp, face, and body.

    The biggest group belongs to older age patients. A major part of this older age group is females who are going through hormonal imbalances (menopause), etc. It represents a difficult task for their physicians, but no surgery is involved.

    Besides aging, certain ailments such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, thyroid malfunction, hormonal imbalances, and certain medications can cause generalized hyperhidrosis. In situations like this, it is important to speak with your physician about the nature of the issue.