
Hyperhidrosis Testimonial by JL

Dr. Reisfeld,

It has been a long time since last contacting you. I
had the T2 ETS for my facial/cranial hyperhydrosis
back in July of 1997. I have moved on with my life
and am now to the point that hyperhydrosis is
something in my past that I eventually stopped looking
it up on the internet (knock on wood). It was just
this weekend that I stumbled again on your website.

I hope things are going well for you and all your
past, current and future patients. It guess I am
checking in for an update of my status. After over
five years since the ETS procedure, I have been
relatively free of facial sweating. And I do thank
you and your staff for such caring and professional
expertise you all displayed. I have noticed that you
have backed off from doing the procedure for facial
hydrosis and also are using clamps vice cuts of the T2
nerve. ( View section referred to ) Personally, I prefer the cut, I cannot feel
comfortable with leaving “things” inside my chest (but
that is just a personal preference).

As for post ETS, here are aspects of what I have
experienced and remembered:

1. A Plus – No cranial sweating, even in social
situations and even high stress work. I can now go
impromptu in front of a crowd of 100’s and not sweat
on my face/head. Too bad I am not that charismatic
and still make a fool of myself, but hey, I don’t
think ETS works on that aspect.

2. A minor negative – I do have some compensatory
sweating, but it is very tolerable, even in 100+
degree 99% humidity environments. All other
references I talked to made me aware of this prior to
ETS. The sweating is localized in the bends of the
knees and elbows, the crotch, armpits, and as you told
me “below the nipples.” It may be annoying at times,
but I personally feel it is not a big deal. Just wear
cotton undergarments. I have not had any problems
with any heat regulation with my body, and I do work
out hard.

3. A minor negative – when I work out on a
stairmaster, I don’t sweat on my head, so I people
think I am not working out hard.

4. A Plus – My palms are not sweaty, something I
tolerated before, but was a nice side effect that I
wasn’t anticipating.

5. A minor negative – In the winter time, my hands are
dry, but that is where any type lotion comes in.

6. A minor negative – When I wear work gloves holding
onto something and doing very heavy aerobic activity,
I do sense some dampness on the palms.

7. A Plus – My face is not dry despite no sweating.
You said the oil glands are not linked the sympathetic
nervous system and I you are correct.

8. A minor negative – If I throw in a couple of
jalepenos with tabasco and red hot chili peppers, I do
get some gustatory sweating or at least the sensation
of it, but hey, everyone else around me is also
sweating too. It hasn’t stopped me from eating my
favorite eclectic spicy foods.

9. A Plus – I remember for a few weeks after the ETS
surgery, my blood pressure and pulse were initially
lower (like 50 bpm, 105/60), but as the weeks
progressed it went back to normal (65bpm and 110/70).
I did notice that I was not easily perturbed, kind of
mellow. But my “wonderful” type A personality came
back, unfortunately.

10. A minor negative – The scars are not in the
armpit, but a little forward towards the chest and
visible if someone looks. Folks told me that I looked
“puffy” from the procedure for a couple of days, I
suspect that was due to the anesthesia. After the
procedure and the anesthesia wore off, it felt like my
chest got hit with a fast ball. If potential patients
can tolerate it, I recommend not taking any pain kills
that were prescribed. Also, before doing the surgery,
a month before get in shape to include pushups or
bench presses and chest stretches. It made the healing
quicker, I was doing pushups 7 days after the surgery.

11. A minor negative – Maybe signing the
release/liability forms the day before instead of the
morning of the ETS surgery would help reduce a lot of
the anxiety.

Thanks again for changing my life in a very positive
way, and I wish you, your staff, and your patients the
very best!!


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